Introducing: Men on Mats

Due to popular demand, in January 2024, an additional Men on Mats class is coming to Zeals Village Hall on Thursdays at 4:55pm. The 6pm class is full.

So often Pilates is seen as “one for the girls” (whatever that may mean!), but a recent feature by Phil Hilton for The Times described his introduction to Pilates: “I quickly found myself in a parallel universe where I had zero muscular endurance and the flexibility of a shelving unit. This was very hard. Very hard.”

Pilates will give you an opportunity to learn how to underpin your fitness, strength and flexibility and improve your form. Whether you are fit and active already or recovering from injury or just want to keep strong, mobile and injury free Pilates will work all the muscles in your body and not just the tight T-shirt ones!